Best Places To Visit In Berastagi Karo Highland
Best Places To Visit In Berastagi Karo Highland Berastagi is located in Karo tribe or Tanah Karo. Karo is one of the 6 tribes in North sumatera. Other ones are Batak toba, Pak pak, Mandailing, Melayu, Dairi. Berastagi distric / city is located near by Sinabung and Sibayak mounts. About 11 kilometeres from the center of this city. In karo highland there are 5 famous places to be visited, such as : 1. Gundaling Hill 2. Sipiso piso waterfall 3. Hote spring at Raja berneh village 4. Flower and fruits market ( Traditional market ) 5. Matreya kwam im temple All those above tourist destinations will be visited once you come to North sumatera for holidays. Many tourist come visiting North sumatera and stay overnight for a couple nights event more. Other side places ...